The Five Freedoms Ignored:

Panera Bread

Cruelty exposedarrow down

This photo is representative of the standard industrial farming practices permitted in the company’s supply chain.
Photo: Stefano Belacchi / Animal Welfare Observatory / We Animals
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Freedom from
hunger and thirst 01
02 fear and distress
03pain, injury and disease

These are among the Five Freedoms that define humane treatment for farm animals – standards supported by more than 90% of the public.

These freedoms represent what consumers expect from food companies, and while many leading food manufacturers have put policies in place to uphold the Five Freedoms in their supply chain, Panera Bread continues to disregard these ethical benchmarks, serving food sourced from farms where animals endure unimaginable suffering.

From animals trapped in small cages for their entire lives, to animals being cut open while alive and fully conscious, Panera Bread is allowing brutal torture in order to save a few pennies per meal.

the human cost
is just as

These inhumane practices can contribute directly to serious health risks for consumers.

The excessive use of antibiotics in industrial poultry, pork, and cattle farming is a leading cause of the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli, which can lead to severe illness in humans​.

Contaminated meat and dairy products from sick animals further elevate the risks of foodborne diseases. And seafood raised in polluted waters can carry harmful toxins such as mercury.

By failing to prohibit these practices in its supply chain, Panera Bread not only fails animals but also risks hurting public health.

It’s time for Panera Bread to put policies in place that end these cruel and unsafe practices and ensure the Five Freedoms for Animals.

These are the decision-makers
allowing this cruelty to continue
Paul Carbone
Interim Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer
Gregg Waterman
Chief Manufacturing & Supply Chain Officer
Debbie Roberts
Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer
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Panera Bread'sPork
FiveFreedoms Pork
This photo is representative of the standard industrial farming practices permitted in the company’s supply chain. Photo: Andrew Skowron / We Animals

Pigs in the supply chain of Panera Bread can endure unimaginable torment. Mother pigs are allowed to be confined for nearly their entire lives in tiny gestation crates, unable to turn around or even lie down comfortably.

These intelligent, social animals are reduced to living in cold metal cages, standing on hard, slatted floors covered in their own waste.

Their bodies become sore and bruised from the relentless confinement, with nothing to ease their physical agony or mental anguish.

On pig farms that supply Panera Bread, tail docking and teeth clipping may also be routinely performed without anesthesia, leaving pigs writhing in pain as their bodies are mutilated.

FiveFreedoms Pork
This photo is representative of the standard industrial farming practices permitted in the company’s supply chain.
FiveFreedoms Pork
This photo is representative of the standard industrial farming practices permitted in the company’s supply chain. Photo: Bear Witness Australia / We Animals

The emotional toll is just as severe. Pigs are highly social and intelligent, capable of forming bonds and experiencing emotions.

Pigs in Panera Bread’s supply chain can be denied everything that makes life worth living, just so the company can save a few pennies.

FiveFreedoms Pork
This photo is representative of the standard industrial farming practices permitted in the company’s supply chain. Photo: Matt Armstrong-Ford / We Animals
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Health implications chicken
This photo is representative of the standard industrial farming practices permitted in the company’s supply chain.
Health implications for customers
In industrial pig farming, unsanitary conditions and overuse of antibiotics have led to the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria like MRSA and salmonella.
These bacteria can be passed on to humans, either through direct contact with contaminated meat or through environmental exposure, increasing the risk of severe infections.
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Panera Bread'sDAIRY
FiveFreedoms Dairy
This photo is representative of the standard industrial farming practices permitted in the company’s supply chain. Photo: Andrew Skowron / We Animals

Hooked to milking machines day after day, dairy cows in Panera Bread’s supply chain can be pushed to the limit with an intensity of production that can result in agonizing infections like mastitis, where their swollen udders become inflamed from overmilking.

Panera Bread allows dairy cows in its supply chain to be subjected to tail docking and dehorning, brutal procedures often performed without any anesthesia.

Cows can also be tied by the neck in one spot all day, preventing them from turning, walking around, or exhibiting other natural behaviors.

Panera Bread has no policy to prevent this despicable practice in its supply chain.

FiveFreedoms Dairy
This photo is representative of the standard industrial farming practices permitted in the company’s supply chain. Photo: Andrew Skowron / We Animals
FiveFreedoms Dairy
This photo is representative of the standard industrial farming practices permitted in the company’s supply chain. Photo: Gabriela Penela / We Animals

On many farms, shortly after birth male babies are torn away from their mothers and crammed into veal crates or chained by the neck in veal pens until the day they are killed.

Perhaps the most heartbreaking cruelty is the treatment of baby calves.

FiveFreedoms Dairy
This photo is representative of the standard industrial farming practices permitted in the company’s supply chain. Photo: Zuzana Mit / We Animals
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FiveFreedoms Dairy
This photo is representative of the standard industrial farming practices permitted in the company’s supply chain.
Health implications for customers
Mastitis not only causes suffering for cows but can also result in the contamination of milk with harmful bacteria.
In addition, the overuse of antibiotics to treat mastitis can increase the prevalence of drug-resistant bacteria, which can lead to antibiotic resistance and other health risks for consumers​.
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Panera Bread'sSEAFOOD
FiveFreedoms Seafood
This photo is representative of the standard industrial farming practices permitted in the company’s supply chain. Photo: Lilly Agustina / Act For Farmed Animals / We Animals

Fish and crustaceans in Panera Bread’s supply chain can face a brutal existence.

At factory farm seafood facilities allowed in the company’s supply chain, animals can be packed into overcrowded, filthy waters where fish’s bodies can become riddled with deformities and open sores from sea lice and other irritants.

Disease is allowed to run rampant, with a large percentage of animals suffering to death from disease before even making it to slaughter.

The slaughter process is no less horrific. Panera Bread allows its seafood suppliers to kill animals in the most brutal ways possible, including cutting them open while alive and fully conscious, cooking them while alive and fully conscious, slowly asphyxiating them, or beating them to death.

Panera Bread allows its seafood suppliers to cut animals open while alive and fully conscious, cook them alive, and beat them to death.

FiveFreedoms Seafood
This photo is representative of the standard industrial farming practices permitted in the company’s supply chain. Photo: Mako Kurokawa / Sinergia Animal / We Animals
FiveFreedoms Seafood
This photo is representative of the standard industrial farming practices permitted in the company’s supply chain. Photo: Andrew Skowron / We Animals

Wild-caught fish in Panera Bread’s supply chain face similar cruelty. Methods such as trawling and longlining can kill large numbers of bycatch animals, damage local ecosystems, and lead to painful and prolonged suffering as animals linger for days jammed in nets or dangling on hooks.

Panera Bread has no public policy prohibiting cruel and devastating capture methods from being used.

FiveFreedoms Seafood
This photo is representative of the standard industrial farming practices permitted in the company’s supply chain. Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
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FiveFreedoms Seafood
This photo is representative of the standard industrial farming practices permitted in the company’s supply chain.
Health implications for customers
Seafood from overcrowded or polluted environments is more likely to carry harmful toxins such as mercury or to carry disease, posing increased health risks for consumers.
Poor water quality and high rates of disease on industrial seafood farms also increase the risk of disease spreading among wild fish, which can lead to even more contaminated products entering the food supply.
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Panera Bread: HONOR
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Panera Bread has the power and responsibility to stop permitting these extreme cruelties in its supply chain. The public expects better, and animals deserve to live free from this egregious and unnecessary suffering.

It’s time for Panera Bread to do what many other leading food companies have already done and put policies in place that ensure the Five Freedoms for animals in its supply chain.

Let's ensure